Change management is a complicated and difficult endeavour. But change we must as the ways things are now is just not good enough. To effectively implement Sustainable Resource Development will require changing how, and why, we do or don’t do many things. Engaging with, motivating and empowering society, not just the younger generations, to alter course towards a more sustainable future is a daunting task. Government-led initiatives, such as Canada’s Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, will not attain its intended aims without a thoughtful and dedicated implementation strategy. Top-down initiatives elaborated in ivory towers are likely to miss the mark. Initiatives seeking to listen to, and engage with youth, regarding their vision and aspirations will help guide the process in a more robust and implementable manner. This session will explore the challenges and opportunities policy makers and administrators face, and present some of the initiatives that are in place, or possibilities that are being contemplated, with the goal of identifying what steps could be taken, at this time and in the future, to help shift the dial towards a more sustainable and resilient world.