Several resource companies are currently openly advocating a holistic approach to Sustainable Resource Development. But what does that really mean? The answer is that it is a work in process that requires input from many specialized areas. One helpful tool, Integrated Strategic Planning, is a concept of long-term mine planning which considers all parts of the value chain, from the mineral resource to the market, over all periods and all stakeholders. This approach allows decision makers to consider all relevant factors, not just the traditional ones such as grade of the mineral resource but also social, environmental and other considerations. The goal is to identify an option that is robust, sustainable and implementable over the life of mine, not necessarily the one that generates the highest net present value. A systematic approach will identify bottlenecks and clarify how to adjust the system to yield the best results overall. New technologies, such as renewable energy and autonomous vehicles, can be evaluated as are constraints such as water availability, dust limits or carbon footprint. Lower operating costs could result in a larger resource and longer life of mine.